Piazzolla – 100 years

Chapter II: Piazzolla - 100 years

New project together with El Cachivache Quinteto

How to dance new tango music? That was the question that triggered long philosophical conversations about the tango of the golden decade and the musical productions of today.

A new meeting with the maestros Magdalena Gutierrez and German Ballejo, analyzing and dancing Piazzolla`s music.

You can support teachers and band here:


How to dance New Tango music?

Chapter I: How to dance New Tango music?

So exited!!! New project together with El Cachivache Quinteto

How to dance new tango music? That was the question that triggered long philosophical conversations about the tango of the golden decade and the musical productions of today, seeking to build a bridge between musicians and dancers. With love, we bring you the product of those talks and some conclusions and tips. 

You can support teachers and band here:


Shooting Day!

New production for Fulana + Idilia

New production for this incredible duo!
@fulana_zapatos + @idiliastyle

Can they be more cool?
They are the perfect combination of comfort and glamor 😎

So beautiful thanks to @ sinlapiz.sinlapiz Make up
Captured by @ernestoterri PH

Models: Jimena Hoeffner & Magdalena Gutierrez

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